
Friday, 10 March 2017


Paper Towns, directed by Jake Schreier, is based on a book by John Green. The film and the book are starrined by Quentin and Margo.

It is an American mistery, comedy-drama film, is a realistic film, all situtations can be real.
The main characters are Margo (Cara Delevingne) and Quentin (Natt Wolff), the two main characters are good actors, Margo is and adventurous girl and Quentin love Margo. 
Finally, Margo and Quentin fall in love, we do a lot of craxy things together like pint grafitis, travel...  The scenery and the soundtrack are breathtaking, but some sceners are bored. The film is not fiel, it doesent's follow's the book. In my opinion the book is more better than the film.

Paper Ti¡owns is a romantic film. If you like romantic histories I recommend this film, and if you like actions films as well.

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